Legal Notice

This LEGAL NOTICE regulates the rights and obligations of and of the users, in relation to the access, navigation and use of this website without prejudice that reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, its content, being in force those published at the time of navigation.
By browsing, viewing and using this website you acquire the status of user, and therefore implies your express acceptance of all the clauses indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as the other warnings or specific clauses that are established in the different sections for the contracting, use of services, products, registrations, or sections of the Page.
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Personal and fiscal information of the person in charge of the Web

Owner: Alberto Torres Rodríguez
VAT NUMBER: 71271097P
Address: C. Azorín, 1, 09005 Burgos, Spain
Website name:

Form of income:
The **** website is a corporate website that does not generate online revenue.


  • Deep Dental Cleaning
  • Orthodontics
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Caries Treatment and Restorations

Terms of Use

If you browse this website you tacitly accept the terms of use and privacy terms, as well as declares to have read the legal notice.
Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or accuracy of the privacy policies that may have third party services outside this website.
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It is allowed to copy and use the HTML structures and CSS styles used in this website, as long as it is only partially and never the totality of the format generating a website identical to this one.
In the event of non-compliance with these conditions, we may be forced to take appropriate legal action.

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